
Monday, March 9, 2020

Clear the data in Excel - Part 2

This is the part 2 about the Clear the data in Excel.  We have already learnt two ways to of "Clear" option. Let's see the other ways.

The next option is "Clear Contents". Let's see how it works. Just select an area to clear and click on "Clear Contents". The result will be as below.

It will clear all your contents of the selected area. But the formating and the comments will not clear with this option.
[If you need to see what will happen when we click on an option in Excel, You just need to go on the relevant option and then you will be shown a drop-down notice menu  and it will be noticed you that what will happen after you select that option


Let's see the next option. It is the "Clear Comments". In this option, it will clear all the comments of your selected area. 

First of all, let's see how we add a comment to the cell. jus click on the cell and right-click on the cell and select on the option "Insert comment". Then you will see the below result and you can add a comment with these steps.

After the comment added the cell will appear as the above image. The right top corner of the cell will be highlighted with red colour.

The "Clear Comments" option will perform as below

Ok. The next option will be continued with the next lesson and till then practice these options. 
Thank you.

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