
Monday, March 23, 2020

Customize the Ribbon in Excel 2010 - Part 05 ( Reset , Export/Import the ribbon data)


Today post I'm going to write how to Export/Import the ribbon data in Excel 2020. 
Assume that you need to keep your ribbon changes as a backup before we reset the ribbon. Then you can be used this option.

Let's add some new tabs and tab groups to check this option. We have already learnt how to add tabs and tab groups to the ribbon. If you have missed those posts, please visit and read from below links.

01) Customize the Ribbon in Excel 2020 - Part 01
02) Customize the Ribbon in Excel 2020 - Part 02

Ok. Refer to the below image and I have added some new tabs and tab groups to the ribbon.

Now let's see how to export the ribbon data.
You just go to the "Import/Export" button. Then you will be seen yow options relevant to the "Export/Import" button as below image.

In here we have to use the second option named "Export all customization". Click on that option and you will be seen "Save File" window as below and you need to give a name or keep the automated name to be saved the exporting file. And also select a location to save the file.

The file will be saved as a ".exportedUI" file. Do not change the extension for any reason. 
Now click on the "Save" button and check the saved file in the given location.

This is the saved file of my export.
Then you can reset your ribbon and after you can import this file to re-arrange your customization to the Excel ribbon when you need. After you reset the ribbon data, the tab list will be appeared as below and you can see there are only inbuilt tabs available.

Ok. Let's check the Import option.
Click on the "Export/Import" button and click on the "Import customization file"option. Then you will appear "File Open" window and need to find the exported file from the saved location and just click on the "Open" button.

After you click on the "Open" button, a message box will appear as below.

Click on the "Yes" button and check the tab list. Now you can see the exported data have restored to the tab list.

Alright. This is about export and imports the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar data inExcel 2020. Try these yourself and check all actions out what we have learnt. Thank you.

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